Our Tweets:
Our Tweets are based on a philosophy that was learnt years ago. The philosophy is simple to follow and simple to act on.
The philosophy is based on focusing on the positive.
On any day at least three "positives" happen to you, me and everyone.
So what is meant by "positives" - positives could be something as simple (or as small) as sitting in the garden in the sun, smelling a beautiful rose, making a Lego model with your child or watching the rain fall from inside the warmth of a building. It could, of course, also be momentous, e.g. the birth of your first child, buying your first house, winning the lottery etc. A "positive" is therefore anything that gave you pleasure in that day, however, big or small.
If you can find three positives in a day, then the chances are that you will feel more positive and be happier.
SmileTree's tweets are therefore our 3 positives.
Remember that everyone's life (however successful they are) has ups and downs.
Feel free to follow our tweets, add your own "positives", or contact us with your thoughts.